
Riding, D. Not-Knowing: Creating Spaces for Co-Curation book chapter in Sinner, A. (Ed) Artful Xchanges: Propositions for Museum Education (forthcoming)

Riding, D. Curating Spaces for Not-Knowing Tate Papers (forthcoming)

Riding, D. , Bossom, F., Fryer, L. 2019 Press Pause: Reflections on 30 years of gallery education Engage 43

Riding, D., Grimshaw, N., Talbot-Landers, C. and O’Keeffe, H. 2019 Developing Place-Based Pedagogies to Challenge Institutional Authority International Journal for Art and Design Education Vol 38 Issue 4 pp.927-942 

Riding, D., Grimshaw, N., Talbot-Landers, C. and O’Keeffe, H. 2019 What are you doing? Oh, I’m just looking at the art. Children in residence at Tate Liverpool Impact Issue 7 Autumn  

Riding, D., Talbot Landers, C., Grimshaw, N. and O’Keefe, H. 2019. Developing a Not-Knowing Pedagogy in the Public Art Museum The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum 12 (4): 13-22.

Dall, A., Hyland, S., Leung, M., Riding, D., Straine, S., & Swan, M. (2016). We have your art gallery: Negotiations in co-creation. Engage, 37.

Hiett, S., & Riding, D. (2011). The Artist as Educator: Six Models of Practice. Engage, 27

Riding, D. (2006) Supporting and Extending the Curriculum (Chapter) in Helen Charman, Katherine Rose, Gillian Wilson (Ed) Art Gallery Handbook: A Resource for Teachers, London: Tate Publishing

Riding, D.& Hiett, S. (2005) The Artist Teacher Scheme: creating opportunities for the development of innovate practice in new media education through art. IPSI papers

Riding, D. (2005), Foam Favourite: Verner Panton’s, “Phantasy Landscape”, Times Educational Supplement, Teacher Magazine

Riding, D. (2004) Mother of Sorrow: Picasso’s, “Weeping Woman”, Times Educational Supplement, Teacher Magazine

Riding, D. (2002), Beauty Spot: Andy Warhol’s, “Marilyn”, Times Educational Supplement, Teacher Magazine

Conference Papers 

2019 Now tell me what it really means: The challenges of co-creation Cultural Education Research Initiative (CERI) conference, Liverpool

2019 Developing place-based pedagogies to challenge institutional authority iJADE annual conference London

2019 Developing a sustainable model of cultural engagement for schools:  Reflections on co-production between the cultural, higher education and school sectors BERA annual conference, Manchester

2018 Invited speaker Birmingham City University, Leeds University of the Arts

2017 Challenging the Rules of engagement: Developing the gallery as a critical space for all, Art and design as agent for change, iJADE international conference Dublin

2016 Now tell me what it really means, Goldsmiths PGR conference, London

2014 Developing a phenomenography for co-creation of knowledge, Collaborative practices in arts education, iJADE international conference, Liverpool

2014 Co-creation of knowledge in the gallery, Annual PGR conference, University Chester, Chester

2013 Constructivist approaches in the gallery, Patterns of thought: An interdisciplinary conference on aesthetics, education and the arts

2012 Learning from children and young people in galleries It’s all Mediating, Helsinki